Criminal Defense

McAllen Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing criminal charges of any type can be extremely stressful. When you have been arrested and charged with DUI, or a drug crime, you may not know where to turn. Additionally, if your teen is facing charges, you understand that a criminal charge could follow him the rest of his life and result in unintended consequences including life-long prohibitions from student loans and more. At Ramón Law Firm, we are committed to defending against some of the following:


Under the implied consent laws in Texas, if you refuse a blood or chemical test when you are arrested for a DUI you automatically lose your driving rights for a period of 180 days. Even a first-time conviction carries the threat of up to 180 days in jail, steep fines and the potential loss of your driving privileges for up to one year. There are far more serious consequences for multiple convictions.

Drug Crimes

While some states have authorized residents to use marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes, Texas has not done so. The potential jail time for drug offenses are more severe the more drugs you have on your person at the time of your arrest. In some cases, you may be facing state as well as federal charges and a long prison sentence. Do not risk your freedom if you are facing any drug charges in south Texas, contact a criminal defense attorney immediately.

Juvenile Crimes

While a youthful indiscretion can seem minor, it is important to recognize that the court may charge your child with a felony as an adult if they are over the age of 14 depending on the severity of the crime. While Texas does offer some intervention programs designed to keep youthful offenders out of jail, in some cases, a juvenile could face as few as 10 and as many as 40 years in jail depending on the severity of the crime they are charged with. Your child may not have been responsible for the crimes they are charged with and you will need a competent attorney who understands the law and can help minimize the impact of charges.

Whether you are facing charges or your child is facing criminal charges, avoid making any statement to law enforcement before speaking with a south Texas criminal defense attorney at the Ramón Law Firm. Call us immediately at (956) 627-3070 if you or your child has been charged with a crime.